The Art Room is a place where our learners develop their expression and achieve a sense of personal satisfaction in their efforts no matter how rudimentary they may be. They are exposed to basic skills for the creative use of a wide range of techniques.
Our goals have been refreshed to increase emphasis on the aesthetic appreciation and development of skills complementary to the new subject of Visual and Performing Arts.

Our aim is to provide knowledge about the basic beliefs and practices of Islam by exploring various fields such as etiquette, history and faith. We enable children to become the best version of themselves. In Islam, it is not just your right but your responsibility to get an education.

Arabic is the 4th most widely spoken language in the world! Our Arabic program focuses on learning the basic alphabet to equip them to learn spoken and written Arabic . We hope to help your children through their Arabic journey by making it as easy and enjoyable as possible.

The teaching of Shona at Mubeena Ebrahim Primary School aims at inculcating respect and love of the language as well as understanding its value and importance as a vehicle of culture. It is our goal to enable every child to be functionally literate and able to communicate effectively in the language. Active learning and teaching is our preferred approach.

One of the most significant changes over the past decade is that the children we teach are a digital generation, born into a world where breath-taking technologies have become commonplace.
At Mubeena Ebrahim we take the view that changing external conditions gives us no alternative except to enter the Industrial Revolution, the 5.0 era which is that of automation. During the Covid-19 pandemic that affected normal face to face interactions across the world, our learners pursued their studies online via Microsoft teams application which made it possible to gain and impart knowledge as well as interact with teachers and fellow colleagues.
Our goals are to:
- Firstly to develop, nurture and harness ICT skills for our young learners so that they become the “tech-savages”,
- Secondly to achieve the high pass rate at Grade 7 level.
- Thirdly to enhance digital lifestyles for communicating or solving everyday problems.